Personalised Photo And Text Print

(e.g adventurers)
(e.g names and date)

A retro style photo and text print inspired by vintage movie posters, complete with your own image and words.

Bring back happy memories with this retro inspired photo print. Personalise with your own image and words to appear above, reminiscent of a retro movie poster.

This personalised print works beautifully with old photographs and will allow you to give a new lease of life to those photos that have been burried away in a shoe box for years.

A perfect gift for dad this father's day, displaying a photo of you both from your childhood or a great way to celebrate a milestone birthday.


We offer a variety of framing options. Please see the product images to view the different frame styles, or choose ‘unframed’ if you wish to frame the print yourself.

made from:

All framed prints are made to order, and are supplied glazed with glass.

Unframed prints are ‘giclee’ printed onto archival 192gsm matte paper, using the finest pigment inks, meaning your print will not fade over time. Regular prints are posted in strong packaging, and sealed in a biodegradable clear sleeve, backed with cardboard. Larger prints are sent lovingly rolled by hand and wrapped in acid free tissue paper and shipped in a sturdy cardboard tube.

We are only able to send our framed prints to UK addresses. Non-UK Mainland delivery will incur an extra charge. Please see the Delivery tab above from more information.

↟ EVERY ORDER PLANTS ONE TREE - As an additional gift to you & our planet, for every order placed, The Drifting Bear Co plant one tree in an area of the world that needs it most. ↟


Regular Unframed Print - A4 (21 x 29.7cm)

Large Unframed Print - A3 (29.7cm x 42cm)

Extra Large Unframed Print - A2 (42 x 59.4cm)

An original design © The Drifting Bear Co.


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