World Mental Health Day

As we approach the last part of the year I think it's fair to say that 2020 has been a bit of a rollercoaster! Feelings of fear, anxiety and concern mixed in with relief and hope have left us all feeling rather exhausted here at the Drifting Bear so we think it's important, more than ever, to focus on maintaining good mental wellbeing.
10th October 2020 is World Mental Health Day so we wanted to share some useful tips for keeping your mental health in check during these uncertain times, they have helped us out and we hope they bring you some comfort too...
1. Sleep - As tempting as it is in these times of non stop news and information, getting a good nights sleep is vital to allow your body and mind to recharge.
2. Exercise - It doesn't have to be a marathon, just simply going for a walk around your neighbourhood will help relieve stress.
3. Hobbies - Always wanted to learn an instrument or fancied knitting all your Christmas presents this year? Now is the perfect time to give something new a go, not only will it help occupy your mind but it will boost your confidence too!
4. Nature - Go for a walk along the coast or just a wander in your local park, being out in the fresh air and enjoying nature will help give a fresh perspective on your day.
5. Socialising - It's still possible to be social whilst being socially distant. Find the time to connect with family and friends by arranging phone calls, video chats or perhaps be a bit more old school and write a letter! Not only will the connection make you feel better, it will make your friends and family feel great too!
We are donating £1 from each sale of our new range of mindful mugs to the mental health charity Mind. If you know someone who is in need of a little boost (and some tea!) please do go check out the range.
We'd love to hear how you have been keeping positive during these difficult times so do get in touch.