June - Tree Update

We can’t quite believe we’re half way through 2021 already! Where on earth have the past six months gone?! We hope you are all doing okay and enjoying the extra few slices of freedom we were given last month.
If you are in need of a positivity boost today, you might like to know that throughout the month of June your orders will be replenishing the essential forests of Bore, in Kenya. As well as this, the local Kenyan farmers will be educated on finding ways to grow new food crops. This will reduce the stress on their existing tropical forest, and mean that the trees will be able to thrive and enhance the all important ecosystems.
Six different species of tree will be planted in the area, including Eucalyptus. Doing this will help squash the deforestation rates, and benefit the 5,000 strong community in a variety of other ways too.
If we do not act now and act fast, our world is going to overheat. We need to protect and conserve the planet’s tropical forests before it’s too late. We are hoping we will at least make a small difference this month, with the help of our reforestation partners and yourselves of course. 💚