As the end of April approaches we have a new beginning here at The Drifting Bear Co. Each month I will be treating you to an insight into the goings on here in our lovely little studio in Devon. My name is Sydney, the Drifting Bear dog! Some of you may have seen me over on our Twitter, Facebook or Instagram pages, I love having my photo taken and causing mischief for my owners Tanya and David.

So what does an average day at The Drifting Bear Co. look like?
Most days at The Drifting Bear start with me saying hello to the office by running to my neatly packed toy box and grabbing a few toys to play with. Soon after this Kirstyn arrives and, although I see her every day, I like to give her a few barks of hello… just in case she’s forgotten me. She gets straight to work on any enquiries and orders that have come in overnight and makes sure that all the lovely Drifting Bear customers are happy with their personalised prints. After a few head scratches from Kirstyn I head on over to Tanya, she is the keeper of the treats. Tanya is busy making sure that everything behind the scenes is running smoothly. She’s a whizz at adding new products onto our site and making sure that we always have fresh new ideas for our products.
Just before lunch the postman arrives, this is always an important part of my day as I need to make sure that everyone knows he’s arrived. For some reason the postman never stays for long.
After lunch I see that Kirstyn is busy packaging all the personalised prints so they're ready to be sent out so I visit Tim who is designing the latest orders to come in.  It's been a busy day and, just like I need my treats, the Drifting Bear team need their treats too, so Tim makes everyone a well deserved cup of tea. Â
I have a bit of a laze as the printer whirrs above me on the desk and watch as David gets to work on some brand new designs (more of this later!).  I bark my approval of a design I see that looks like it would make a great gift, David seems to think I want a treat so I won't argue if he insists.
As the day draws to a close I feel like it's time for a nap, my favourite spot is the rather comfy pile of post bags underneath the desk. Â It's from this position that I can have a snooze whilst keeping an eye out for any more deliveries I need to have a bark at. Â Sometimes I'm rudely interrupted from this snooze when the post needs sorting and putting into bags. Â It's around this time that Kirstyn usually says goodbye, I'm looking forward to barking hello to her tomorrow already!
April has seen some big changes at The Drifting Bear Co., biggest of all was the installation of a shiny new printer! It looks like there will be a lot of new products heading to the Drifting Bear site soon thanks to this great new bit of machinery.  The Drifting Bear team had a great day learning how to use the new printer and I helped out by regularly giving everything a good sniff to check it was all ok. Â
It's already been a busy month for new products here on our site with the additions of our Spring Coordinates Print, Colourful Slides Print and Framed Floating Metal Polaroid...

Our Spring Coordinates Print would make a perfect gift for a Spring wedding or to remember a special Springtime birthday. This personalised print is available for a limited time only so catch it quick before it goes!

I'm a big fan of Instagram (and my photos featuring on there) and this print is sure to go down well with fellow Instagram fans as it's a great way of getting your favourite photos off your phone and on to your walls. Â This personalised print would also make an excellent gift for a photo fan looking to perk up their home with a splash of colour.

I know the Drifting Bear team are really proud of this new product as it combines our popular polaroid style design with a fresh new framing method. Your polaroid photo is printed onto an aluminium plate which is then raised from the back of the box frame so your photo looks like it is floating. Apparently they make great Anniversary presents, especially for a fifth wedding anniversary.Â
I hope you've enjoyed this insight into the goings on at Sydney… I mean, Drifting Bear, HQ.  I can't wait to bring you news of all our latest personalised products, gift ideas and what the future holds for The Drifting Bear Co.
Sydney x