March to August - Tree Update

March to August - Tree Update

Well, the world went a little crazy and in the midst of lockdown a few things got put on hold while we juggled keeping the business going and looking after our little one (as well as dealing with the anxieties that come along with a Global Pandemic...).

Keeping you up to date with where our trees will eventually be planted was unfortunately one of the things that got pushed to one side - however the trees will still be planted and the good news is, that with lots of people stuck at home, online sales saw a boost - including ours! Thank you so much to anyone who ordered over the past few months. It really was a scary time for this little business, but thankfully we were able to continue thanks to your incredible support.


🌱 March - Indonesia

The trees from sales during March will be planted in Indonesia. Indonesia is home to magnificent rainforests, carbon-rich peatlands, and diverse wildlife like orangutans, proboscis monkeys, sun bears, and over 1,700 species of birds. Our trees will help to restore a biodiversity hotspot that has experienced profound degradation due to palm oil plantation, peat fires, and extensive logging. Planting will gradually restore the ecosystem, improve habitat for biodiversity, sequester carbon, and fight climate change. It will also provide local farmers with livelihood, reducing deforestation pressure and allowing them to reap long-term benefits.


🌱 April - Honduras

Honduras has one of the highest rates of deforestation in the world. Since 1990, around 45% of its natural forests have disappeared. Given global patterns of deforestation, food production, and climate change, hotspots are under constant threat. Within the forestlands of the mountainous Nombre de Dios region, illegal logging and land use change for the commercial production of African palm-oil and livestock are commonplace. In addition, Honduras’ western dry corridor region is highly vulnerable to extreme weather events, including increasing temperatures and prolonged drought. Rural coffee farmers have thus been forced to move production areas to higher altitudes, clearing (often protected) forestlands and harming the country’s vital water systems in the process. Exotic hardwoods and shade-dependent cacao plants will be planted as a result of ordering with us during April.

🌱 May - Ghana

Since the early 1990s, Ghana has lost more than 30% of its forests – approximately 2.5 million hectares. With a remarkable 80% of Ghanaians depending on forests for their livelihoods, deforestation has a major impact on communities. The trees will be planted in north-east Ghana where rapid desertification is caused by deforestation and close proximity to the Sahara and Sahel deserts. Improving forest health in these areas will bolster soil nutrition, improve local hydrological function, and create a positive social and economic impact for nearby communities. The trees for this project even come from a nearby nursery, creating jobs and supporting the local economy.

🌱 June - Uganda

Uganda has a rapidly growing population, which is putting a great deal of stress on the country's forests by increasing demand for firewood, pushing agricultural expansion, and expanding land settlement. As a result, Uganda now has one of the highest rates of deforestation in the world. Our partners are working with local farmers in Western Uganda, which now experiences one of the highest rates of deforestation in the world. Our trees planted here will provide sustainable food and income for land owners by growing fruits, nuts, and medicines. These trees will be rigorously monitored and cared for as they will eventually be used to generate carbon offsets - meaning your trees will last a long, long time!

A variety of trees will be planted in the affected area based on the needs of specific planting sites. Species include Pinus Patula, Pine, Gravellia, Orange, Teak, Cyprus, Mango, Omusizi, and Plum.


🌱 July - California

Five years of drought and a large-scale bark beetle infestation have seriously damaged California’s forests. 2017’s record-breaking wildfire season burned more than 1.3 million acres – an area the size of Delaware. Now, a record 129 million trees need to be restored in California. Improved vegetation planning and resource management will be promoted to help reduce the risk of catastrophic fires and floods in the region. 


🌱 August - Kenya

Kenya’s Kijabe Forest is a highland mosaic ‘Afro-alpine’ forest that was once dominated by trees, such as the East African pencil-cedar and African olive. Roughly one-third of the original high-canopy forest still stands and provides important habitat for biodiversity. The forest is only about 5,000 hectares, but a community of almost 200,000 people depend on it for water, wood, and agriculture. Increasing pressure for land poses significant threats to the region, leading to the over-extraction of resources and illegal timber harvesting. Planting trees here will help protect this vital ecosystem, promote environmental education, and foster sustainable livelihoods through seed collection and ecotourism.

Thanks again for your support and for helping us to save this beautiful planet of ours. Be sure to follow us on social media to keep up to date with where our future trees will be planted.

Much love! ❤️


* Image courtesy of 'One Tree Planted'

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